
Carnival Part 2 – Rio

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Carnival with Marcel’s

Part #2 – DJ Lorah



Day 2 of our Carnival frenzy was set on the streets of Rio – with streamers and balloons and extravagant floats rolling through the crowds.

(This was an old set I had made some time ago and due to the very short notice I was given to throw together 3 separate sets in less than a week 😕 I didn’t have time to tweak this one as well as I would have liked. The basic background street was fine, but the floats were built a couple of years ago when my building skills were somewhat more limited, which meant that due a slight…technical hitch…they had a tendency to keep crashing into one another if I didn’t keep an eye on them and keep adjusting them. Fortunately, it was carnival, so I could blame it on the rum! 😉 )

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And here’s a little suitable background music to help you join in the samba line!


The guys danced late into the night and crawled home in the early hours to recharge their energy, in time for the grand finale event on the last night…

Carnival Part 1 – Bourbon Street, New Orleans

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new-orleans-bourbon-street-saxWelcome to Carnival with Marcel’s – Day #1

Mardi Gras in Bourbon Street, New Orleans

with DJ Rhia “Blues Mamma” Colclough




We kicked off our three day Carnival extravaganza by turning the side alley next door to the bistro into a replica of the New Orleans Bourbon Street, classic home of Mardi Gras. With illuminated house windows and brightly coloured flowers in the window boxes, our guests came and shimmied in their finest Carnival feathers and beads, to the sounds of the lovely DJ Rhia playing a selection of bluesy jazzy street music.

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As usual, everyone went all out with their costumes and the feathers were flying all evening….

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It was the perfect start to the Carnival celebrations and got everyone in the mood for lots more music and dancing – which we were happy to provide…

It’s Carnival Time!

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MARCEL’s CAFFEINE NIGHTSCarnaval-Carnival-mask-gloss

Special Program!


Marcel’s will be presenting a special program for the Carnival weekend.

Each participating DJ will tackle one specific Carnival mood, each within the fabulous background of Anouk’s famed builds.



Saturday 14.02.2015 – 3pm SL Time

We kick off Saturday with a sail, which is being prepared by our team Captain Gerrard Winstanley, leading Marcel’s flotilla on a sea travel of adventure and discovery. Ending the glorious journey, in which we expect to have the sea debut of our newest Matelot members, DJ Magda Kamenev, who will entertain the group with some finely selected tunes for an evening of dancing and partying.


Sunday 15.02.2015 – 4pm SL Time

DJ Rhia will lead the marching band through Boubon Street, celebrating the famed New Orleans Mardi Gras! Be ready for some awesome tunes and that vodoo she does so well….


Monday 16.02.2015 – 3pm SL Time

DJ Lorah’s turn to lead the Rio Carnival set with the hot tunes from the most wild and famous Carnival in the world! Prepare for great dancing, samba steps, and exotic plumage on a very sexy evening done South American way.


Tuesday 17.02.2015 – 3pm SL Time

As our holiday comes to an end, we’ll have last but not least DJ G-WINZ setting to music the canals of Venice, where masked figures will evolve on a mysterious weave of sophisticated charm and vibrating beats!


So grab your feathers and sequins and come and join us to samba the nights away!

